Turn off the Water at the mains.
The water main tap is normally found at the front of your property, most commonly on the footpath. Look for a rectangular black or blue hard plastic tile in the concrete footpath or just inside your property. You might need a large screwdriver to pop up the lid. Inside you are looking for the tap that turns off the water to your whole house. Turn it off as hard as you can. Then call Saltark Property Management office immediately. If after hours, call the Saltark 24/7 cell 021 2011 092.
Call 111 immediately and follow the police instructions.
If your home needs to be secured by a locksmith, or if damage has been done that will require an insurance claim on the landlord’s insurance, call Saltark Property Management office immediately. If after hours call the Saltark 24/7 cell 021 2011 092.