Who is Saltark
Property Management?

Saltark Property Management is a boutique rental management company launched in 2014 to provide really great service to owners, so they can enjoy owning and earning income from their rental properties. We limit the number of houses each of our property managers look after, so they have the time to do an excellent job as low volume enables high service care.

Who are Saltark

We work for some absolutely excellent people who in many cases have worked incredibly hard to buy rental property that will be used to support their retirement. In fact, all our Landlords are great people who deserve enormous support in their drive to provide good homes for good tenants, in a way that provides security for their own future. With this in mind, Landlords come in all shapes and sizes, just like properties come in all shapes and sizes.

Call CJ @ Saltark (021 2011 092) for a coffee and a chat.


Are you an “Accidental Landlord”? Many rental property owners fall into being a “Landlord” by accident.  If this is your situation, you are not alone, and we know it can feel overwhelming.

Do you have parents or grandparents who are growing older and need nursing care, but they are not prepared to sell the original family home?

Or have you inherited a property that you are not in a position to sell – but you cannot leave it empty as this is asking for trouble?  Houses really do not like being empty.

Call CJ @ Saltark (021 2011 092) for a coffee and a chat.

Part Time

Many Kiwi Mum’s and Dad’s work hard and pay off their home mortgage, then leverage this capital to buy a rental property, as security and income for their retirement.

Are you busy with your daily lives looking after family, home and work? With your rental property, you find you have another major job on your hands trying to keep track of tenants, rent payments, maintenance on the rental, and government compliance rules and regulations that seem to change daily.  If you are battling to keep on top of it all you are not alone.

Or are you a young professional who is serious about investing wisely, long term?  You are building your rental property portfolio but need your day job income to make all the numbers work.  Life is hectic and your work is demanding, and managing tenants and maintenance is the last thing you want to schedule into your busy day.

Call CJ @ Saltark (021 2011 092) for a coffee and a chat.

Kiwi Overseas

Or are you heading off on an overseas adventure and need to rent out your home, to pay the mortgage while you are away?

Or are you an international sports person contracting to an overseas team, but wanting a property waiting for you when you return home?

Or do you have an empty nest with the kids now away from home? You might want to grab that international contract in an exotic location, and you’ll definitely want your family home very carefully rented while you are away.

Call CJ @ Saltark (021 2011 092) for a coffee and a chat.


You own a number of residential rental properties.  Perhaps 10, perhaps 100 and you manage them yourself.  But you plan to go overseas for an extended holiday, and you know by law if you are out of New Zealand for more than 21 days consecutively you are required to have a property manager.

Or perhaps you are based in a different city and have a few carefully selected high end properties and you would like to have local high level management on hand.

Call CJ @ Saltark (021 2011 092) for a coffee and a chat.


At Saltark we really are aware that your rental income pays your mortgage, your grocery bill, funds your annual holiday, or will allow you to retire early.  We know looking after your rental property or properties is a massive responsibility that we take very seriously.

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