At Saltark we really are aware that your rental income pays your mortgage, your grocery bill, funds your annual holiday, or will allow you to retire early. We know looking after your rental property or properties is a massive responsibility that we take very seriously.

Our services are backed by detailed processes and record keeping, so we can provide your accountant with comprehensive financial year end records of your rentals. This saves you an enormous amount of time, effort and stress.

This record keeping also protects your asset, as it allows us to work with the Tenancy Tribunal to ensure tenants meet their obligations and care for our properties.

With this in mind, Saltark Property
Management service guarantees:

Saltark Services are comprehensive
and include:

The Saltark

If you are keen to explore Saltark Property Management managing your rental property here is the process so you know what to expect.

If you have existing property managers, we provide the email template needed for handover of the property to Saltark Property Management.  After you send this one email, you can relax as we take over all contact with your past managers.  We obtain all rental records and keys.

If you have existing tenants, we arrange to meet with these tenants personally, normally at their home, so we can start building a relationship with them.  During this meeting we work out with our new tenants what works best for them going forward for inspections and maintenance.

If you need good new tenants,
these are our next steps:

Preparing your property for rent,
for best returns

As professional property managers we have unique insight into:

  • What will make your property a more desirable rental so we have a great selection of good tenants applying for your property. Then we can select the very best tenants very quickly.
  • What will make your rental low maintenance and hard wearing so you have less wear and tear, saving you money in the long run.

Sign up with us early, so we can give you good advice before you start refreshing or renovating your rental.

How we maintain our properties
short / medium / long term

We are proactive when it comes to identifying, recommending and planning maintenance.  But we work within your parameters and we know these can change.

Our property inspections are regular and comprehensive and happen 4 – 6 times per year. The Entry Inspection is followed by our first inspection one month later.  Thereafter inspections take place approximately every 12 weeks.

Saltark reports back to you in detail after each inspection.  Although we commonly get small jobs done regularly and promptly, all planned or expensive work is discussed with you, the landlord.

What do landlords say
about Saltark?